Our Services
We provide strengths-based, respectful therapy services for children ages 0-18, please refer to the list below and contact us with any questions.

Speech Therapy
Our speech therapy services support your child in their ability to access successful communication.
We address the following needs:
Receptive and expressive language
Apraxia of speech
Auditory processing
Alternative and augmentative communication (AAC)
Self-advocacy/Communication of wants and needs
Communication function
Supporting their individual social skills
Neurodiverse Social Communication
We utilize an approach that is unique and intrinsically motivating for each individual child.
Occupational Therapy
Using relationship, connection, and play to promote a safe and fun therapy environment, our occupational therapy services work to support your child's needs and acknowledge their strengths in the following areas:
Daily Living Tasks (i.e. dressing, brushing teeth)
Praxis (motor planning)/Motor Coordination
fine/visual motor
bilateral coordination
whole body praxis
Muscle tone differences
Sensory Processing
Understanding sensory processing+our bodies​​
Advocacy for sensory needs
Sensory Integration therapy
Feeding and Eating (also see "Feeding Services" below)
Visual Processing/Ocular Motor Skills
School skill support

Physical Therapy
Our physical therapy services use fun, play-based interactions to help support a child's gross motor needs in the following areas:
Hopping, skipping, jumping, etc.
Safety in movement
Whole body coordination
Sensory-based gross motor needs
We can support babies and their families with the following needs:
(OT + PT)
Bottle Feeding
Breast feeding (in partnership with an IBCLC for whole body tone and strengthening needs)
Asymmetry of motor movement
Overall motor development
Transitioning to solid foods
Progressing to table foods
(also, see Feeding Services)

Feeding Services
We can support children and their families with the following feeding needs:
Breast feeding, body support (in collaboration with an IBCLC)​​
muscle tone and strengthening needs​
motor skills
torticollis (with or without associated oral restrictions)
Bottle Feeding
Sensory-based feeding needs
Selective "picky" eating
Oral-motor coordination or strength needs
Muscle tone differences
Babies or children transitioning to solid foods
Babies or children transitioning from an NG or G-tube to solid foods
Serving children with the following diagnoses:
Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Sensory Processing Disorder, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Hypotonia, Pediatric Feeding Disorders, Receptive/Expressive Language Delay, Articulation Disorders, Pragmatic Disorders, Developmental Delay, Genetic/Chromosomal Conditions
*Please let us know if your child has a diagnosis you do not see listed here.*